Åbent Hus & salg på værkstedet lørdag d 29. marts. fra 11.00 - 15.00.
Adressen: Literbuen 12B, 2740 Skovlunde
The fusion of aesthetics and sustainability
A Circular Design Studio is an untraditional plastic carpentry shop that creates interiors, installations and works of art, in 100% recycled plastic, collected from households, nature or companies in Denmark.
Based on strong craftsmanship traditions, we have developed a new technique that gives us the clearest colors and the highest quality in our unique products. Quality is our highest priority, because in this way we can ensure that the products can live on for many years with many different owners or recycled into new products.
We have a fixed product range you can find below, just as you can read more about our options for teaching, consulting and custom products.


Møbler på bestilling
Med fokus på traditionelt snedkerarbejde, kombineret med moderne digital produktion og vores materiale lavet af 100% genanvendt plastik, skaber vi nogle helt unikke møbler der passer perfekt til jeres hjem, virksomhed eller institution.
Alle møbler er håndlavet på vores værksted i Skovlunde og møblets farve, form og størrelse besluttes i samarbejde med kunden, så resultatet altid bliver et personligt og speciallavet produkt, præcis efter jeres ønsker.